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tv   ABC 7 Morning News at 430AM  ABC  September 7, 2010 3:30am-4:00am PST

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america this morning. >> get more from abc news, later on "good morning america" or anytime at abcnews.c i'm terry mcsweeney live in richmond where tonight the city council may vote to do something this city hasn't done in about a quarter century. the story in a live report. >> coast guard investigators are trying to determine just how much oil spilled into the petaluma river from a scrap yard tugboat. >> and you're looking live at san francisco. notice not many clouds but it is the breeze, the cool breeze that will drop temperatures 15 to 20 degrees today. tomorrow a little drizzle. >> a live shot of the bay bridge. i'll have your back-to-work tuesday commute as well as road work coming up. >> if someone tries to hand you
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$100 at the coliseum bart station, take it. several riders will make cash from a bart protest today. >> i think that's good advice. thank you very much. >> there the next half hour? >> you're gonna try, right. >> i'm eric thomas. >> i'm kristen sze. topping our news, the school year is just getting started and already one bay area district is talking closures. tonight the face of three richmond schools will be decided oddly enough by the city council. abc 7's terry mcsweeney is live at kennedy high school which is on the chopping block. >> tonight is the night we find if the city council is going to step up with extra money and keep kennedy high school from closing. take a look at pictures we have of kennedy high school right now. closing kennedy and two other schools would save the west contra costa unified school district $1.5 million. its only hope is to have the city council come through with the money. >> if the city of richmond does
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not approve $1.5 million, then the board will take immediate action to close the school and send kids off to other schools like richmond high or el cerrito high. >> and the city does have some money all of a sudden. originally settled with chevron for $114 million over a ten-year period. that's because of unpaid utility taxes. so the ball is in the city council's court. if it does not approve the money, 900 students would be affected including those at grant and owe linda elementary. the city manager is recommending keeping the schools open at least a year, come up with that $1.5 million. keep things open a year while everyone gets together, the city and school district, and figures out a long-term strategy. there hasn't been a high school closed in richmond in 23 years. terry mcsweeney, abc 7 news. >> all right, terry, thank you very much. more news. environmentalists are monitoring
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the petaluma river following an oil spill estimated in the hundreds of gallons. most of the slick has broken up and washed away but nobody's sure where the rest will end up. alan wang has more. >> the department of fish and game says this old tugboat was being chopped up for scrap metal and it leaked between 200 and 600 gallons of oil. the owner of the tug apparently knew it was leaking because he already had an oil boom around it. residents say these are extremely sensitive wetlands. >> last week i saw river otteres. >> there was a lot of disgusting smell. it was just gross. >> booms were placed in front of creeks to keep oil from creeping into the downtown area where boaters float through and stop to shop or dine. >> it was supposed to be a big day and all of a sudden around 11:30 we had the coast guard and
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the fire department came in and all the boats evacuated. >> the department of fish and game biologist did not find dead wildlife or major deposits of oil but the tides will likely continue to slosh it around in this estuary. >> it comes in like a washing machine and will stick around until the sun and the air break it down. >> the department of fish and game wants to know exactly how long that salvage operation was going on and leaking oil before the public finally found out. in petaluma, i'm alan wang, abc 7 news. >> 4:34. suspected gang member barrientos will be in court this afternoon to face charges in the shooting of a fremont police officer. officer todd young has undergone several surgeries since being shot in east oakland on august 25th. he remains sedated in intensive
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care and the doctors expect him to make a full recovery. young was working undercover when he was shot trying to serve an arrest warrant. police captured barrientos as he walked towards the mexican boards. the association will hold a blood drive in officer young's honor today at the block bank of the redwood. blood banks record a 50% increase in donations since the officer was shot and the call went out for donor east drinks may be more expensive in san francisco. imposing a new fee on liquor and wine wholesalers and distributors to make $15 million a year. it would help the city pay for problems caused by alcohol abuse including unpaid ambulance bills and emergency room visits. >> transit advocates will give $102 in cash to random passengers to protest linking the light rail system.
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transform claims in a recent report each trip on the line will cost taxpayers $102 for the first 35 years the connector's in operation. organizers claim buses can move passengers to and from the airport faster than bart's proposed rail link. bart expects the system to cost nearly $500 million. >> that issue definitely is not over. we'll be hearing a lot more about that. let's check with mike and see what we've got temperaturewise. >> all right. temperatures this morning are pretty close to where we were yesterday morning. the big chill isn't here just quite yet. you will feel it as we head to the afternoon and through the afternoon hours. all right. you can see our 24 hour temperature change, actually warmer in some areas, 1 to 2 degrees warmer in menlo park, sunnyvale, san jose. 8 degrees cooler in antioch. look at this afternoon. 59 degrees in half moon bay. only 62 in san francisco. that's a good 20 degrees cooler -- actually 22 degrees
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cooler than yesterday. we'll have 64 richmond, 67 oakland. low to mid-70s from fremont, palo alto, through san jose. we'll have mid to upper 70s napa, vallejo, san rafael and santa rosa. you'll see widespread low 80s to mid-80s around concord and antioch. this is just the beginning. the coolest weather is tomorrow. we'll have drizzle along the coast most likely tomorrow morning into the early afternoon hours. and then the cold front passes, high pressure builds in. morning clouds give way to afternoon sunshine and pretty comfortable temperatures from friday through the weekend with low 80s inland, mid-70s around the bay and 60s at the coast. she's back! good morning! >> good morning, mike. good morning, everyone. back to work as most of you are today. yesterday was gorgeous. here's road work going on in hayward this morning. westbound 92 jackson to southbound 880 is closed until 5:00 this morning so keep that in mind. but elsewhere there isn't too much to slow you down.
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here's a live shot of the san mateo bridge. that's westbound traffic on the right heading towards foster city. up towards 280, both directions of highway 19 you might find lanes blocked until 5:00 this morning for ongoing overnight pavement road work. eric, kristen. >> frances, good to have you back! thanks a lot. >> still has that glow. >> doesn't she! >> yep. an american evangelist in kabul. the pastor's 9/11 anniversary plans triggers outrage in the muslim world putting u.s. troops on the defensive. >> president obama unveils more of his economic plan today [ female announcer ] to do well, kids need to eat well. and eating well means getting enough whole grain and calcium. and general mills big g kid cereals can help. did you know it's the only leading line of kid cereals with at least 8 grams of whole grain and a good source of calcium? cereals they already love, like lucky charms and cinnamon toast crunch.
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give your kids more of what they need to be their best. grow up strong. with big g kid cereals. ♪ how'd you do that? do what? it tastes too good to be fiber. you ma it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. do it again. turn it into sometng tasty. this guy's doing magic. there's chocolate chips in here w. hod you do that? right! tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. what's she thinking? that's right! i'm not thinking anything! [ male announc ] fiber one chewy bars. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake. no, i've actually lost weight... [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. [ wife ] babe... i gotta go. [ female announcer ] yoplait, it is so good. r every pink lid you send in, yoplait will donate 10 cents to susan g. komen for the cure. with your help, we've donated $25 million over 12 years. so let's continue to make a difference one lid at a time. good tuesday morning. back to work. it's now 4:40. let's take a live look outside. the camera on ballmer peak looking west, of course, and
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emeryville in the foreground. some cloud coverage and much cooler temperature, a big plunge mike is going to talk about. we'll see how traffic is moving as folks head back with frances coming up. >> the story for you now, the top u.s. nato commander warns u.s. troops could be in danger if a florida churches going ahead with burning copies of the holy book. he leads a 50 member congregation in gainesville, florida. he plans to mark the 9th anniversary of the september 11th terror attacks on saturday by inviting people to burn copies of the karan on the lawn of his church. >> we're revealing again the violence of islam that is much, much deeper than we would like to admit. >> general petraeus say it will inflame public opinion and ignite violence. the former vice-chief of staff agrees. >> it is outrageous and it is
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insulting to muslims but also insulting to our soldiers in terms of what they stand for of what their commitment is to the muslims and the muslims in this country. >> yesterday a crowd of 500 people gathered in kabul chanting long live the karan. they also burned an effigy of pastor jones draped with an american flag. protestors chanted death to america and threw rocks at a u.s. military convoy. >> businesses can get tax write-offs for expanding and hiring more workers. another part of his recovery plan. yesterday he announced plans to spend $50 billion on transportation projects. >> i want america to have the best infrastructure in the world! we used to have the best infrastructure in the world! we can have it again! we are gonna make it happen. (cheers and applause) >> his proposal includes rebuilding 150,000 miles of road, laying and repairing some
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4,000 miles of railroad tracks and restoring 150 miles of airport runways. he says he'll create a infrastructure bank to pay for the work without adding to the deficit. republicans responded by saying more government spending is not the fix to the economy's needs. if you're looking for work, we're cosponsoring another job fair later this month. it's on tuesday september 28 at the hotel whitcom in san francisco. you can find more information on under "see it on tv." >> it's 4:43 now. he left h. p. in a cloud of controversy but now mark hurd has a new top level job with oracle in redwood city. >> the governor's race with jerry brown releasing his first campaign ad to answer those of republican rival meg whitman. >> plus skyscraper man is out of jail after being arrested for scalalalalalalalalalalalalalalal
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mmmm. you don't love me anymore do you billy? what? i didn't buy this cereal to sweet talk your taste buds it's for my heart health. so i can't have any? if you can deprive me of what can help lower my cholesterol... and live with yourself. right. mmm, i wry about your mother. cry herself to sleep every night over my arteries, but have yourself a bowl. good speech dad. [ whimper ] male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and its whole grain oats can lp lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy. ♪ winning is my but we lost today. ♪ no, we didn't. ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ we're the ks in america ♪ oh, oh, oh rich fudge over a warm, chocolate brownie
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like nothing you've ever had before ready made sweet moments in the refrigerated section [ male announcer ] nature is unique... ...authentic... ...pure... and also delicious. ♪ like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. because natural is not only good, it also tastes good. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious.
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welcome back. here's a look at some of the considers across the lower 48. notice more, more and more cooler weather hitting the northern parts of our state, 62 minneapolis. 86 dallas. near 90 along the east coast from d.c. all the way up to new york and 85 boston. we have some flight arrival delays into minneapolis and severe weather possible around houston. otherwise it's going to be pretty quiet across most of our major airports. anytime you travel, our flight tracker is waiting for you at >> fire officials say a fire west of boulder, colorado, has destroyed dozens of homes. they're waiting until sunrise to count the exact number of houses that burned. the blaze broke out yesterday morning and rapidly spread to 3500 acres. as many as 1,000 homes were evacuated. one couple lost their home and barely escaped the flames. >> check out the house on top of the ridge. took out the house next to us and ours was third to go.
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>> flames were already coming up and over. >> so far no injuries have been reported. the erratic wind sometimes pushed the fire in two directions at once. the wind kept air tankers grounded. >> you'll see lots of ads over the airways featuring gubernatorial candidates jerry brown and meg whitman. brown used labor day weekend to formally kick off his fall campaign while wittman's commercials have been running since early summer. >> he cut waste, got rid of the mansion and the limo. >> the jerry brown for governor campaign officially hits the airwaves. the 30-second television spot touts brown's 40 year career in california's politics and his vision for the future. >> we have to live within our means. return power and decision-making to the local level. the big question is which path
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forward? >> at a campaign stop in fairfield, brown says he plans to keep his ads focussed on him. at least for now. >> the fact that this race is so close, it tells me that they're not listening to the other side right now so there's an openness to hear what i have to say. >> it coincides with a major labor picnic in oakland. >> i think he made it very clear he expects the union bosses to carry the negative message against meg whitman. you've seen it with the events this weekend. he's relying on the union bosses to hold him up. >> meg whitman's campaign spent $100 million. some of her odds celebrate her accomplishments as ceo of e-bay and play to her republican base. >> he'll be the same as he ever was. >> the whitman's campaign is no less meg. brown is kicking off misleding
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with his own record. he left the state flat broke flirting with bankruptcy. jerry brown is the last person we can trust for major change in sacramento. in a close race some strategists wonder if brown should have released his tv spot sooner. others think his timing is just right. >> jerry brown is coming in right when voters are kind of ready to pay attention. they're just starting to think about the election. >> i'm jerry brown. >> with two months to go there's plenty of time to change the message. >> future ads will go negative on whitman? >> that strategy, i leave that to my volunteer campaign. >> strategists warn candidates be careful about going negative. it can backfire or they can decide not to vote at all. laura anthony, abc 7 news. >> the former chief executive of hewlett-packard in palo alto mark hurd has a new job this morning. larry ellison has named him as
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oracle's one of two co-presidents and director of the company. hurd resigned from h. p. after an investigation into his personal relationship with a contract turned up questionable expenses. he replaces charles phillips, a former marine and investment banker. he was in the news when his exmistress put pictures of them together on billboards to embarrass him. >> the man that scaled the medical limb number tower was in court yesterday. he says this will not be his last climb. abc 7's don sanchez has more. >> looking at the building, i mean, there's this wall of fear that you're facing. like it's so intimidating. >> the 54-year-old marin county skyscraper man after his arrest, blisters on his hands and a citation for trespassing. but this climb up the millennium tower was for a reason. he believes skyscrapers are
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vulnerable to another terrorist attack and there is more. >> in doing so i felt like i was the -- doing it for all those out there. >> he is a survivor of stage 4 cancer. it almost killed him ten years ago. that's when he began planning this climb. he ascended slowly with huge suction cups. security tried to get him to come down but he said no. police and fire then arrived to monitor his moves. >> we wanted to know he was safe. we wanted to know if he had a set plan to harness him off. he declined all efforts. >> firemen offered him water at some levels. residents were not home but two neighbors were watching tv when goodman appeared. >> saw him fly by the window. pulled out the cellphone, said better get this on film. >> to goodwin it was a personal path to overcome any fears. >> believe me, being up there you have to be focussed on every single move. there's no room for any error.
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just totally clear. >> now that he's done this, there is a new agenda. he wants to go on a worldwide tour to climb legally for a cause. >> the cause would be to raise money for a cure to cancer. >> and he says he has people who are interested in that. his next climb will be october 20th. that's when he goes up the stairs of the hall of justice to answer those two charges. don sanchez, abc 7 news. >> yeah, watches out spiderman. the guy that climbs all the skyscrapers. >> yeah. the two of you watch out because the police does not like those sorts of things. what will the weather be like for a skyscraper climb today? >> a little breezy today. yesterday was actually calm, warm. a little windy today. show you how those winds have changed. we'll eventually change our forecast and bring cooler weather back. as we said good-bye to summer unofficially, we saw warm days ahead of us. it was warm yesterday though. today not so much. we're looking back from the east bay to san francisco.
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you see some of the low clouds are starting to develop along the coast to try to push into san francisco. our temperatures are still pretty mild. we have a lot of low to mid-50s up in the north bay valleys from san rafael to oakland, redwood city, half moon bay and san francisco mid to upper 50s up to livermore. around the monterey bay, feeling the chill of the sea breeze with low to mid-50s even inland to gilroy and salinas. going to be cooler and breezy today and cloudy at the coast while the rest of us should have a lot of sunshine. cloudy tonight everywhere. coastal drizzle possible and the coolest weather will be tomorrow and thursday. a mild seasonable weekend, not too warm, not toocool. los gatos and saratoga the upper 70s. southward low to mid-70s. a few clouds could linger with mid to upper 60s for you. look at the coast today. upper 50s with fog. a little drizzle from time to
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time. downtown south san francisco pockets of sunshine, low to mid-60s including sausalito. we'll see more sunshine from san rafael northward so mid to upper 70s through the north bay valleys but only upper 50s at your cloudy coast. richmond, berkeley, oakland, san leandro, hayward mid to upper 60s. the rest of the east bay shore low 70s. we'll see low 80s from concord all the way to highway 4 to brendwood and livermore. low to mid-70s gilroy and hollister and pretty cloudy around the monterey bay with mid to upper 60s. around the state, the chill is making it into sacramento, 84. a lesser extent chico 89. 96 palm springs. looks like none of our major stations here are going to hit 100 today. the drizzle developing along the coast here with cloudy conditions and temperatures in the low to mid-50s.
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all right. your accu-weather seven-day forecast. while we drop about 15 to 22 degrees today, we drop about another 5 to 10 degrees around the bay and inland tomorrow with the coolest weather at the coast, mid-50s, upper 60s around the bay and low to mid-70s inland. by this time we get to friday, saturday and sunday, temperatures should be 4 to 8 degrees warmer with clouds giving way to afternoon sunshine. you have a new accident? >> yes. chp en route to an accident in san jose. it's on 280. it's been initially reported on northbound 280 approaching brace street and it may be on southbound 280 near the byrd avenue off-ramp so look out for that. this is 280. that's northbound traffic and that's southbound continuing past highway 17. it's a little past this live shot. we'll update you once the chp arrives at the scene. here's a look at the north bay where if you're heading southbound through san rafael, it's fine towards 580 but near sir frances drake, chp is on the
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shoulder now because of a small grass fire so look out for that. you can always get the latest traffic information by going to our website on you'll find it saul under the bay area traffic link. eric, kristen. >> thanks a lot. 4:56. senator dianne feinstein is set to take part in the unveiling of a major milestone in the south pond restoration project. she joins state officials in celebrating the completion of the restoration project near the western end of the dell barton bridge in palo alto. it will provide 237 acres of new restored wetland habitat, 30 large nesting islands for migrating shore birds, a new trail and two viewing platforms for the pubic. >> barbara boxer will talk about clean energy jobs in south san francisco today. boxer will tour a pioneer in the development of algy-based diesel and jet fuels. the fuel is biodegradable and
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more sustainable than petroleum-based diesel. they have several contracts to help the u.s. navy reach ritz goal of operating 50% of its fleet on renewable fuels by 2020. >> just ahead at 5:00, an abc news poll shows what americans think of president obama's handling of the u.s. economy. >> i'm terry mcsweeney live in richmond with schools just opening for the year, you may not expect to hear a school closing story but i have one for you, in fact, i have three. >> and a police chase in oakland ends with a crash and the arrest of a man with a gun. you want some fiber one honey clusters?
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you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about youfiber too. i have for while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes. how would i make school field trips to the zoo! more basketballs. soccer balls. and a museum! [ growls ] more basketballs. soccer balls! more books. yeah. like just a ton of books. [ girl ] and boo about soft this. soft and slimy. [ female announcer ] now clip double box tops for education. from totino's pizza rolls and party pizzas. and make their school a better place.


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